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Saw this at the current exhibit at Wash U's Kemper Art Museum. The whole exhibit is about seeds and the art is lovely, but this really stunned me. The drawers are full of seeds taken from plants growing locally, which you can take.

Wollen wir eine hybride, dezentrale Zukunfts-Konferenz organisieren mit Keynotes von Maja Göpel und Anne Brorhilker?

Dann Tracks mit Impulsen zu
- Mitweltschutz
- Solarpunk
- Postkonsumgesellschaft
- Permakultur

Dann Open Space zu den Themen und gemeinsam Dinge entwickeln?

Wer und was würde euch dazu noch einfallen?

Next up from last year's conference: Solarpunk Education & Children's Literature.

This two-part talk explores ways to integrate Solarpunk into everyday education. Check out the full video on our YouTube channel now!
#solarpunk #solarpunkconference YouTubeDisfruta de los vídeos y la música que te gustan, sube material original y comparte el contenido con tus amigos, tu familia y el resto del mundo en YouTube.

Went to the community garden with the kids to do some annual maintenance and help install some accessible raised gardens.

These are high enough that you can plant without stooping so low to the ground. It also allows wheelchair users to roll up to them and plant without having to get out of their chair.

Ausschreibung #Plantpunk Anthologie "Zurück zu den Wurzeln"

"Plantpunk, in Abgrenzung von #Solarpunk und Cottagecore, stellt die Pflanzen und die Liebe zum Gärtnern in den Mittelpunkt, und nicht unbedingt traditionelles Leben wie in Cottagecore oder neue Technologien, bei der die Pflanzen vor allem der Ästhetik dienen, wie beim Solarpunk."

Verlag ohneohrenZu den Wurzeln | Verlag ohneohrenEine Ausschreibung für Kurzgeschichten (Plantpunk, Hopepunk). Einsendeschluss: 30. September 2025
Part of me wonders if #ArtNouveau isn't the most #solarpunk of all the #art genres inspired heavily by natural designs and nature at its heart. Its only flaw is that during its time, class divide ensured much of the public didn't have access to it, and it was a beautiful for the rich but barely enriched the lives of the poor at the time. Who knows how it would have evolved if WWI hadn't broken out.
These days, thanks to digital design, image libraries and 3D printing available to the masses, everyone can enjoy that art style. I see little solarpunk art that embraces it though. Most of them learn more heavily on the #punk aspect of sort of the rough amateur yet community based wholesomeness that is at the core of solarpunk. Community focused art is almost jarring in terms of modern aesthetics. However i do wonder how well the blending of the two genres could make the movement pop more and draw people in who were unaware of it prior.

I didn't set out to purposefully learn how soon the rain will be here based on the sound of it coming, but after living here for a while, I can do that.

It's very place-specific. I'm sure that if I went somewhere else with different rain patterns, I'd be way off.

This is my favorite kind of learning: the kind you get just from hanging out with nature long enough. 💚

This is the foundation of a lot of indigenous knowledge: being in a place, living with it, being a part of its cycles, and gaining that knowledge. Now, multiply that by many many generations of people who purposefully shared that knowledge with the next generation. This is not knowledge that can even be gained in a single generation because some of these cycles span many many many generations. This is the kind of knowledge that enables living with the land. And for those of us in the "modern world" who have been totally cut off from that knowledge, tossed far from where our ancestors lived, think of the disadvantage we have when it comes to starting to live with the land.

This is why it's so important to listen to indigenous folks when it comes to living with the land - because a lot of the rules they've got around how to relate to the land have been hard won over generations, despite hundreds of years of colonizers trying to sever people from ancestral knowledge and sever people from their lands.

Respondió en el hilo

@midtsveen I've just recently installed Linux and begun the long process of switching all my computing off of Apple. Loving everything about getting free of them and the others.

On the issue of cars and repair, I've long despised cars. BIKES are the ultimate in easy repair, low maintenance, low resource use. The ideal transport in a better DIY solar punk future where humans are empowered and the big tech monolith is a nightmare of the past.

Ziggy is right !

Tired of trusting your health to a system that always prioritizes profit ?

Watch this amazing TedX talk by Rachel Knox on the #ENDOCANNABINOIDSYSTEM to find out how right Ziggy is.

TED flagged it because she was brave enough to name old american #oligarchs who wrote cannabis out of medicine books!

#memercredi #medicalcannabis
#cannabismedicinal #weed #thc
#cbd #marijuana #marihuana #endocannabiniode #healer
#ImmuneDysfunction #pain #chronicillness #ptsd #thca #depression #insomnia #healthscience #medicinalpsychedelics #viernesdememes #herbalism
#oligarchy #solarpunk #regenerativemedicine

From my hopeful climate fiction series, Nothing is Promised, the 4th book, published Mar 2023, and I SWEAR... this was not a supposed Trump character. This was evidence that anyone talking of invading Canada was *obviously* a lunatic.

And here we are. Lunatics in charge.

The question now is "how do we stop them?"

(btw first book is free in the series: )