Was speaking to a friend the other day about #revolutionary #optimism & there's nothing quite like it. People tend to hold an opinion that #leftist folk are always sad and negative, but in truth despite how shit things are, it is how they will be that grants the gift of #hope. The sun will rise on a better future someday, even if we won't see it, we will have a small part in making it happen. That is one of the greatest honors for my life that keep me going.
He creado un cuaderno @notesnook con el primer boceto rapido de ideas para el proyecto #TodasLasCosasSonNuestras jijiji
Every once in a while I run across a [very] young person who gives me some small glimmer of #hope for the future.
One such person is Sydney Satalino who has already started her independent campaign for the US presidency in 2040. https://progress4us.org/platform/
I don't think she has a #Mastodon presence at this time, but can be found posting frequently elsewhere.
When the UN votes for an International Day of Hope, you will not have to guess which country voted against it.
The USA was the sole UN member state to vote against a resolution calling for an International day of Hope.
Even Putin's Russia supported this resolution.
But hope is dead in official US policy, ostensibly due to DEI commitments.
Shameful. The US stands alone as a land committed to isolation & hate.
Magnifique !
dédicace -> @MarSolRivas R. ainsi qu'à vous toutes, Mesdames
Dear Lovely Peeps:
An (re?) #Introduction might be in order. I have decided it is time to stop wandering & settle down in a nice sunny garden.
I've been around since 2016, and wherever I am, I try to create a wee gentle eddy of peace & whimsy in my corner of the Fediverse.
I have a #hope-full perspective. Am strongly influenced by #DoctorWho. Believe in a #SolarPunk / #HopePunk future. Manage to find small good things to celebrate every day.
Am interested in #FOSS, #travel, #photography, #sustainability, #accessibility, #reading, #writing, being #outside, #LowTech / #NoTech solutions, and a whole lot more.
(I have a neuro-spicy brain so 'a whole lot more' really is a LOT! )
Come in, have a scroll, and maybe breathe a little easier. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Aprovechando el calor que se desperdicia y ganando soberanía energética.
#Light #LongingAndDesire #Lyrics #Sky #Heaven #Hope #photography
After a long winter
Long night
Deep darkness
You see the light
Brand new
You are still
Encircled by night and darkness
But no longer trapped
You see the light
Brand new
Rise up
Go into the light
Towards spring
Into your life
Do YOU see the light?
Brand new
"Die Verzweiflung täuscht häufiger als die Hoffnung" östliche Weisheit
Ich wünsche euch Träume in hoffnungsfrohen Farben, die euch Kraft und Zuversicht schenken und für morgen einen guten Start in den Tag.
Ich hab mir vorgenommen, abends den nächsten Tag besser vorzubereiten um entspannter starten zu können. Wie klappt das bei euch so?
We have to be ever so kind to ourselves as we heal from trauma. Try doing one small thing that brings you joy every day. Bonus points if you can think of something that involves your senses! Slow down, relax, be intentional and mindful for a few minutes. Notice something beautiful, drink a cup of tea, play in the dirt. You’ve got this #healing #trauma #cptsd #survivor #hope #relax #mindful #joy #peace
#photography #mentalhealth #hope #LongingAndDesire
Since #AshWednesday Christians are beginning #Lent until #Easter. #Abstinence in order to practice #mindfulness and experience #freedom. Our #Muslim neighbors have been celebrating their #fasting month, #Ramadan, since last week. #Fasting plays an important role in all religions. Fasting is also important for non-religious people. A good opportunity to talk to each other about our fasting experiences! All the best!
#Lent #Mindfulness #photography
#mentalhealth #hope
@weserberglander has cleared this table. He feels the wood and its grain. He strokes the grain and hears the natural melody of the wood. This melody is beautiful! Perhaps this melody contains a small message: Fasting also means clearing the table of our lives so that we can set it anew again.