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"Folsom Prison Blues" is a song by American singer-songwriter Johnny Cash, based on material composed by #GordonJenkins. Written in 1953, it was first recorded and released as a single in 1955, and later included on his debut studio album #JohnnyCashWithHisHotAndBlueGuitar (1957), as the album's eleventh track. The song combines elements from two popular #folk styles, the #trainSong and the #prison song, both of which Cash continued to use for the rest of his career.

#Prisoners are still self-immolating at #RedOnionState #Prison, and prison officials are cutting off #communication with the outside #world while engaging in more brutality against Black prisoners. Prison #Radio is now unable to reach #KevinRashidJohnson. Listen to Kevin’s most recent and very chilling description of conditions at #RedOnion.

Prison Radio · Prisoners Continue Self-Immolation at Red Onion State PrisonPrisoners Continue Self-Immolation at Red Onion State Prison

San Quentin 1981-83

In the minimum security block of the prison inmates were allowed to decorate their cells w/ items from home, but when a new warden took over the prison these cells were stripped bare. Later, some of Ruth Morgan's photos were used in court to help improve conditions at the prison

Today in Labor History March 11, 1850: French anarchist Clément Duval was born. His theory of individual reclamation, which justified theft, and other crimes, as both educational and legitimate ways to redistribute the wealth, influenced the Illegalists of the 1910s, including Jules Bonnot, of the Bonnot Gang. According to Paul Albert, "The story of Clement Duval was lifted and, shorn of all politics, turned into the bestseller Papillon."

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #illegalism #prison #deportation #wealth #BonnotGang #papillon #individualism #novel #fiction #writer #author #books @bookstadon

Elle a osé le dire: “Il y a une pièce qui était un ancien cachot où, autrefois, le président de séance pouvait enfermer des députés.", rappelle Yaël Braun-Pivet dans Ouest-France. Une cellule, utilisée pour la dernière fois au 19è siècle, et redécouverte lors de travaux en 2010. Ah, c'était le bon temps. La pièce a depuis été convertie en bureaux, occupés par des députés de droite. Un choix prémonitoire, au regard de la situation du clan Sarkozy...

Hmmm.... so the Govt's answer to extreme workloads for probation officers, is not to invest in more staff but rather to cut provision of rehabilitation programmes & lower the grade of staff that deal with sex offenders (in England & Wales).

This looks like yet another case of the Govt. knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing... the social costs of this sort of this sort of myopic politics are all too predictable!

#Prison #rehabilitation #politics

The Guardian · Alarm at plan for less-qualified probation staff to deal with sex offenders in England and WalesPor Rajeev Syal

We see so many reports about israeli captives but Palestinian captives and prisoners are another, non viral, story. The literally #warcrimes against health sector and personnel of #Gaza are still ignored by international community.

"Many days I was tied to a chair in the interrogation room for maybe 15 hours. I was not allowed to sleep or eat or drink. They tied my arms to the chair very painfully and when they were beating me they would put their hands or legs on my chest to bend my back."
"Throughout this period, while we were being transferred, we were given severe, brutal beatings all over our bodies. I suffered bone fractures on my right side, which affected me greatly all the way through the first three or four months of detention. I never got any medical care."
"They asked me my name and my profession and when I said I was a doctor they handcuffed and blindfolded me....We were all put in a transport vehicle where we were beaten with sticks. They urinated on us."
"I spent almost three months in Ofer. The food they gave us were small pieces of bread with a small amount of yoghurt and a spoon of jam."
#prison #IsraelWarCrimes #genocide #HumanRights #zioNaZis

@palestine @israel

The Guardian · ‘They forced me to stand for hours in the cold, arms raised and shackled’: eight Gaza doctors on their Israeli prison ordealPor Aseel Mousa

Jailhouse snitch testimony is considered a red flag by many legal experts. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, 256 people who have been exonerated of felonies in the United States since 1989 were convicted in a case using jailhouse informant testimony. Sixteen were from #Texas.

The Texas Observer · David Wood, Set for Execution, Says He Was Never the 'Desert Killer'Wood’s attorneys have requested that more than 100 additional pieces of evidence be tested for DNA, but the state has opposed the request for over a decade. 
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American prisons run on forced labor. For @bolts, historian Robert Chase answered reader questions about the legal basis for paying incarcerated people below minimum wage, whether the Americans with Disabilities Act applies in these circumstances, who has the authority to stop prison labor, and more.

Bolts · The Past and Present of Prison Labor: Your Questions Answered - BoltsA historian answers Bolts readers’ questions on the deep roots of forced labor in U.S. prisons, how it operates today, and efforts to challenge it.