"Sgt. Pepper": How Paul McCartney came up with that name
"Sgt. Pepper": How Paul McCartney came up with that name
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Nos hemos juntado con el músico Miguel Alberte para contaros la vida y obra de George Harrison, el beatle de clase turista, según sus propias palabras.
‘The Fool on the Hill’, an “irresistible, universal" ballad, effectively transposes into pop music a literary theme seen in fairy tales, stories of monarchs prizing their court jester over more learned counsel, and Dostoevsky's novel ‘The Idiot’.
- from Nicholas Schaffner’s book, ‘The Beatles Forever’
#Songwriting #Beatles #McCartney #Fool #Vinyl
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Nos hemos juntado con el músico Miguel Alberte para contaros la vida y obra de George Harrison, el beatle de clase turista, según sus propias palabras.
On #ThisDayInHistory in 1943, legendary #Beatles lead guitarist #GeorgeHarrison was born. Initially overshadowed by his bandmates, George later proved an exceptional songwriter, and his melodic style and fondness for 12-string & slide were key components in the Beatles' success.
Happy heavenly birthday to #Beatles legend #GeorgeHarrison!
Back in the day, Harrison sat down for an interview to discuss his musical inspirations, life experiences, and the creation of his label, Dark Horse Records.
Listen to the conversation in our archive, courtesy of the University of Maryland: https://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip_500-8k74t6g337
"Come and Get It" is a song composed by English singer-songwriter #PaulMcCartney for the 1969 film #TheMagicChristian. The song was performed by #Badfinger, produced by McCartney and issued as a single 5 December 1969 in the UK, and 12 January 1970 in the US, on the #Beatles' #Apple label. It was the band's first release under the Badfinger name (having previously recorded as The Iveys) and was their international breakthrough.
If you missed the unique dramatic reading from It's Real Life: An Alternate History of The Beatles at Big Red Books in Nyack, NY -- standing room only -- here it is https://youtu.be/7JeGX-9lZwE #sciencefiction #Beatles https://youtu.be/7JeGX-9lZwE
Nicky Hopkins
Nicky Hopkins b. February 24, is one of those legendary musicians who seemed to just show up everywhere. He was a guitarist, lyricist, piano player and session man who played with the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Faces, The Kinks and others. And, he led a group sing-a-long at Woodstock. Nicky Hopkins at Woodstock Listen to "Nicky Hopkins - Session Man #nickyhopkins #birthday #rollingstones #faces #beatles #thekinks #60srock #70srock #classicrock #musiciansky…
Just watched #YellowSubmarine for the first time in at least thirty years. I'd forgotten how brilliant it was. So many things I'd forgotten. (In particular John Lennon drawn making horns signs at the start of All You Need is Love.) Perhaps a little dated? Which makes me wonder how the world today could be given the same treatment, if at all...
The Beatles cover that John Lennon loved
Choose 20 books that have stayed with you or influenced you. One book per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
Day 10.
Closing Time | Ik las het nieuws vandaag (op de muziek van) https://sargasso.nl/closing-time-ik-las-het-nieuws-vandaag-op-de-muziek-van/ #Cultuur&Media #FrankZappa #JeffBeck #beatles #nieuws #Krant #media #TV
Thinking about sad billionaires trying to make up for the big hole in their lives where human warmth should be.....
“Rock n roll is currently defined by 3 eras... post #Beatles, post #VanHalen, and post #Nirvana.
Gen x'ers like myself got to experience the Beatlemania aftershocks, we got to see the rise of Van Halen as kids and as young adults/teens, we got to experience Nirvana.
We're some lucky sumbitches...” — #rickcrotts6673
#TomMorello / #BillyCorgan / #TheMagnificentOthers / #rock / #AltRock / #GenX <https://youtube.com/watch?v=daeqN3eOUzo>
@randahl yes, I wasn't there myself but I love my music enough to remember that in the mid-sixties, it was #America that was burning #Beatles records for being 'bigger than Jesus' (Lennon quip taking out of context, as he said 'right now we are bigger than Jesus', which was a fact). So the puritan KKK nazi strand and love of burning things and people was always there, it was just given way more oxygen this year.