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🇬🇧 The good news: We finally got a trailer for the #LiesOfPDLC! 🥳😍🥰
The bad news: It's coming in summer, which means I can probably look forward to streaming it during the heat. 😭😅
And although we STILL have no precise release date, we got a lot of new info on the DLC! It's called #LiesOfPOverture, and judging by the trailer and director's letter (see below), we're going on a journey to the past. Well, that certainly promises to be interesting... 👀

🇩🇪 Die gute Nachricht: Wir haben endlich einen Trailer für den #LiesOfP #DLC! 🥳😍🥰
Die schlechte Nachricht: Der DLC erscheint im Sommer, also kann ich mich wahrscheinlich darauf freuen, ihn bei Hitze zu streamen. 😭😅
Und obwohl wir IMMER NOCH kein konkretes Release Date haben, haben wir viele neue Infos! Der DLC heißt Lies of P: Overture und nach dem Trailer und dem Director's Letter (siehe unten) zu urteilen, geht es auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit. Na, das verspricht auf alle Fälle, interessant zu werden … 👀


#Gaming #GamingNews

Getting back online in the morning to see the trailer below, today cannot be bad. if you haven't played Lies of P yet, this is the perfect time to do it and get ready for the DLC, which will take the player back to the beginning of the story, so, a time before the events of the base game.

Honestly, watch the trailer and get the game, so you are not missing out on this gem, there is no point in it. A souls-like, based on the story of Pinocchio, come on, what are you waiting for?

#videogame #videogames #gaming #soulslike #LiesOfP #LiesOfPDLC #Neowiz