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I have all nine classes maxed out in #GuildWars2, with all specs unlocked. I didn't really have a main, and I bounced between them all.

Elementalist was the first that I leveled to 80. Recently, I discovered a Condition Tempest (Fire) build. Now it is all I really want to play. I love laying down mass AoE fire damage.

Burninating the Maguma jungle.


I am pretty much done with the latest #GuildWars2 release for Janthir Wilds. Just need to do the heart 12 more times.

It is a pretty expansion, but it is really lacking in something... the story was meh. The map meta is okay. I like some of the new cosmetics.

Overall, the scenery, the warclaw, and the land spear are still the best parts of this expansion.

Day 6 of our yoga series is here! After a restful weekend and adjusting to a new time zone, it’s an ideal time to show our spines some care. If you’ve been lounging or sitting like a goblin, this session will help you stretch and de-stress. Get ready for some flexible, spine-focused yoga that leaves you feeling renewed! Afterward, we have Game Roulette for two hours, a dinner break, and Guild Wars 2 Daily Raids! #YogaJourney #GameNight #GuildWars2