Love the symbolism in the #graphicnovel adaption of A Wizard of #Earthsea
Love the symbolism in the #graphicnovel adaption of A Wizard of #Earthsea
#currentlyreading #books #bookstodon Oh dear. I was over half way through this book and taking it at face value when I made the mistake of Googling the author. It seems that there has been a great deal of doubt cast on the veracity of her story, and that since her escape she has moved to America and become an ardent Trump fan. Should I bother finishing it?
I started reading Shift, the second book of the Silo series.
I desperately need someone to talk about it. I’m like just 50 pages in, but that will change.
I don’t want spoilers I just want to talk.
#currentlyreading #bookstodon #books
Set in Cyprus, this book is quite beautiful. The dedication says it all - ‘to immigrants and exiles everywhere, the uprooted, the re-rooted, the rootless, and to the trees we left behind, rooted in our memories.’
2nd try of ancillary justice
#CurrentlyReading Isabel Allende’s autobiography “Mi país inventado” (from 2003, in Swedish).
I enjoyed her House of Spirits, I’m sure this will be interesting. #bookstodon
Looking forward to starting these. First is Julie Kenner. It's been years since I last read one of hers so I hope I remember the backstory. They were rare for being middle-aged suburban mum fantasy books when she started out. Tirzah Price is new to me but supposed to be fun. #amreading #currentlyreading #books #bookstodon
#CurrentlyReading "The Life Impossible" by Matt Haig and it's getting weird.
#CurrentlyReading on this #WorldBookDay :
Long Island Compromise by Taffy Brodesser-Akner
How Carl Fletcher's kidnapping in the 80s affected his family.
It constantly makes me think of Arrested Development (I should rewatch that), but I'm not finding it as engaging.
Our students made the most of their 'Reading Picnic' sessions. They had the choice to either bring in their own book or choose one from the Library, sit in a quiet space and enjoy some reading.
Our Library has been buzzing with activity! KS3 certainly grabbed the opportunity to get a free book with their vouchers. We want to say a special thank you to the students who helped our Librarian manage the market stall and the desk, you've all done a fantastic job!
We're kickstarting World Book Day by taking part the 'Footy and Booky' quiz hosted by @kitbrownnn!
Happy World Book Day 2025! We've got a day of exciting activities planned. Can you guess whose who in the photos?
#currentlyreading Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
"They travelled into the unknown and left themselves behind.
On the distant world of Kiln lie the ruins of an alien civilization. It’s the greatest discovery in humanity’s spacefaring history – yet who were its builders and where did they go?
Professor Arton Daghdev had always wanted to study alien life up close. Then his wishes become a reality in the worst way. His political activism sees him exiled from Earth to Kiln’s extrasolar labour camp. There, he’s condemned to work under an alien sky until he dies.
Kiln boasts a ravenous, chaotic ecosystem like nothing seen on Earth. The monstrous alien life interacts in surprising, sometimes shocking ways with the human body, so Arton will risk death on a daily basis.
However, the camp’s oppressive regime might just kill him first. If Arton can somehow escape both fates, the world of Kiln holds a wondrous, terrible secret" (Goodreads, 2024).
Recommended by @Digital_Archivist