My favourite creature in "Star Wars" is the Loth-cat, and I'm as curious as one.
My favourite creature in "Star Wars" is the Loth-cat, and I'm as curious as one.
A goal scored from long range in football. In my case the distance is 30 yards away from the goal line.
which in retrospect makes sense, as the Basque region of Spain has hedgehogs, but hystricomorph porcupines are exclusive to the Americas.
(There are also porcupines in Africa but they're an entirely unrelated species, surprisingly enough.)
#ExplainYourUsername and also #PorcupineFacts
#ExplainYourUsername: a thread
There's a few out there. The most straightforward one is my "professional" one, which is just my legal first name and last name. When I got my name legally changed I purposefully went with the same first initial so I wouldn't have to change or explain my professional-life email address.
@NullTheFool l and j are my initials of my boy- and girlmode names respectively, r the second initial of my assigned name and k of my family name. I also use ElleJay as a name which is just lj spelt differently. Within games, I either use Forch Gock, which is a pun on the German military ship with the initial letters swapped making it a pun on g(irlc)ock, or General Protection Fault, which is also a pun on the military title General and the error message that results from accessing invalid memory.
There's way too much layers. Basically translates to August Snow, which is a situation that doesn't usually occur, if rarely, but would make for a pretty sick band name once I bother making music again. It's also written with 膤 in kanji, which is a kanji that should not exist and was included in the JIS standard as an error which was subsequently included into Unicode also as an error but now it's too late to delete it because Unicode does not delete characters. Ever.
But most importantly, her:
I was named after my great Uncle who died in the Flu epidemic of 1918.
Back when I coined my IRC nick, I drove a 1978 two tone brown bay window VW Type 2.
It’s the scientific name for bats!
am internet, and also kitty. some people think my username is a reference to netcat... it might be
@piracalamina el nombre de mi abuelo paterno, aunque todo el mundo le decía "Mundo" #explainyourusername
es una crema rosada de bellísimo tono y textura, con un olor delicioso hecha para tratar las picaduras. es antialérgica y calma la picazón #explainyourusername
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #musiquinta
9: #explainyourusername
8: #ThrowbackThursday
7: #7291documental
6: #mow4
5: #bundestag
4: #mow3
3: #warntag
2: #makershour
1: #alfredhitchcockanything
It's a mix of the two things I like to do the most, coding and pixelart, the reason of the double "t" it's just for aesthetics.
It's short, catchy, and self explanatory (my @/username is NullTheFool because that's the name I chose when I first moved here and I cannot change it without migrating lol)
A hapax legomenon from Old Church Slavonic, featuring the one old school attested multiocular O.
Means "many-eyed angels". Pronunciation in bio.
A lot of my hobbies and interests have to do with (spinning) circles. I love mandalas, sacred geometry, embroidering with hoops, and spinning yarn on spinning wheels and spindles. I like to crochet and weave in circles instead of straight lines.
I use flow arts to exercise. I started with hula hoops and have many different props now. Oxbow meteor is my favourite. I also like boarding and skating around.
I love music, and before everything went digital you had to spin discs to play it. Love playing/meditating with drums. Big interest in space, where planets and moons are spinning in orbits. I pretty much worship the sun and the moon.
I'm sure there's more examples, I'll add them if I think of them.
Circles are life. Alicia + circles = Alicircles
“MOULE” has multiple meanings:
1: An alternate spelling of "mule", a hybrid work animal, symbolising my work ethic and making music that's stubbornly hybrid.
2: The word alphabetically after "MOULD" symbolising me being "outside-the-mould", disinterested in fitting in harmful and restrictive "norms".
I always write it in caps since it looks more aesthetically pleasing to me that way. The extra "O" conveniently allows me to stick a mule's head out of it as my logo!
It's my name.
At some point, me and my dad were quoting a specific line from the second episode of Red Dwarf, where Arnold Rimmer insults Holly with a made up word. Holly, the supercomputer who's projecting a hologram of Rimmer gives him a ridiculous haircut as payback, then disappears to pilot the ship at lightspeed, leaving a recorded message for when Rimmer finds out.
After recreating that scene many times, we found that we started using "Goit" alot more, as a casual way of poking fun at each other. Eventually we were told to stop by my stepmum, but the influence stayed with me as I started using it as a part of my online alias.