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“When there was only analog #tape, making a physical copy of your tapes was the #backup (aka “safety copy”). One problem is that this is not actually an exact #copy. The backup goes through multiple stages of analog circuitry and cabling, and it ends up residing on a totally different magnetic tape – all factors guaranteeing that it won’t be exactly the same as the original.

Due to tape deck discrepancies or incorrect settings, the copy could even sound different than the original. It also took the industry many years to realize that #analog tapes (primary or backup) might not last forever, and, due to poor storage and sticky-shed syndrome, many old tapes have been pulled out of storage only to have them disintegrate and self-destruct!”

“Are You Backing Up?” — #MikeKosacek / #TapeOp / #music / #recording <>

Another one for the #archive #datahoarder #storage #nas bubble:

What is the ~best DVD-ROM drive to read old and likely degraded media?

The Internet at large seems devoid of any information, it's all AI and linkfarming slop.

Are #MDisc worth it? If yes, what drive, disk manufacturer etc do I want? Are 100GB discs are reliable as 50 and 25 ones?
#HDD have shorter life? #LTO #tape seems less portable?

CC @internetarchive @textfiles @brewsterkahle

Retoots and replies *very* much appreciated.

I have an old car with a radio cassette deck and cassettes with music from the ’80s and ‘90s. In fact, it’s relaxing not to feel pressured to first connect your radio to your phone and choose a playlist or a song on Spotify or Apple Music. Instead, you just play the tape.

Respondió en el hilo

@apicultor @alterelefant @Heidi Well, Flash does retain data quite good.

Also OFC one should regularly examine and rotate backup media.

  • If you want to go hardball, you'd choose to #archive on #microfilm and put those rolls in argon-filled aluminium barrels in a bunker, Like #Germany did for it's most significant history until 1990.

Granted, there are multiple options re: #backup and rarely does one need superfast fast, near-zero latency and extemely high capacity backups.

  • OFC you get what you paid for and if you choose the cheapest SSD you can buy that isn't a #China #ScamDisk with manipulated TF cards in a RAID-0 enclosure, chances are stuff will work fine.

Proper handling and storage is key OFC but that also applies to #Tape.

Respondió en el hilo

@alterelefant @Heidi As of now, we can see stuff like the #ExaDrive, a 100TB 3,5" SSD for #online - #archival storage.

  • As #Helium-filled #SMR-#HDD|s struggle to meet the demand for storage at an acceptable thermal & power envelope and price, #SSD|s will inevitable take over as not only the more robust media but also cheaper, more dense and easier to use.

As for the #NeoFloppy that thing could be made - I'm just not good enough layouting PCBs with the precision needed for #PCIe signalling...

  • Needless to say if constant write speed and lifetime in writes is secondary, then a stack of cheap #SATA-SSDs already beats #LTO-9 tapes unless you need to backup literal #Petabytes and need the fancy features like #WORM media.

That being said, it's inevitable that even WORM as a feature may be copied over.

  • In fact #ZFS can already offer many features of #LTFS, including read-only snapshots and thus append-only #archives.

Until there are #COTS solutions tho, LTO #Tape and other options will OFC remain dominant and relevant.

  • Still I'd happily see storage vendors take up the NeoFloppy and build something off it.
GitHubGitHub - KBtechnologies/NeoFloppy: A new storage media format using modern interfaces.A new storage media format using modern interfaces. - KBtechnologies/NeoFloppy